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Country Walks Health Benefits of a Walk in the Polehanger River Woodland and Footpaths Surrounding the Farmhouse at Polehanger

polehanger farm country walks health benefits of a walk

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We all know a good walk does you the world of good, but do you know the actual health benefits of a walk? Here’s a few more reasons why:

Physical health

  • Cardiovascular Fitness – walking on footpaths in the open countryside provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. The varying terrain, inclines, and declines challenge the heart and improve overall cardiovascular health.
  • Joint Health – the natural surfaces of countryside footpaths such as those surrounding the Farmhouse at Polehanger, such as dirt trails and grass, are softer than pavement, reducing the impact on joints.
  • Strengthening Muscles – walking on uneven terrain engages different muscle groups, contributing to overall muscle strength and toning.

Mental Wellbeing

  • Stress Reduction – connecting with nature has been linked to reduced stress levels. Walking in the open countryside allows individuals to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, providing a peaceful environment to unwind and destress. The walks around the Farmhouse at Polehanger and in the Polehanger River Woodland are incredibly peaceful and the perfect way to unwind.
  • Improved Mood – exposure to natural environments has been associated with improved mood and reduced feelings of anxiety and depression. The beauty of the countryside and the tranquillity it offers can have a positive impact on mental well-being. And not forgetting that you get to return to the Farmhouse at Polehanger for a cosy fireplace cuppa after a winter walk or a drink in our gorgeous gardens during summer months – the perfect place to watch the sun go down.
  • Enhanced Creativity -the open countryside stimulates creativity and mindfulness. The beauty of the surroundings can inspire creative thoughts and provide a mental break from daily challenges.

Social Interaction

  • Community Bonding – many open countryside footpaths are popular among locals, creating a sense of community. Walking in these areas provides opportunities for social interaction and a chance to connect with others who share a love for the outdoors.
  • Family Time – walking in the open countryside is a free family-friendly activity. It offers a chance for families to spend quality time together, fostering stronger bonds while enjoying the natural environment. You’ve come for a family break at the Farmhouse at Polehanger – so what better way to spend time with your loved ones?

Connection with Nature

  • Environmental Awareness -walking in the open countryside encourages a greater appreciation for nature and the environment. It fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages individuals to make environmentally conscious choices.
  • Wildlife Encounters -footpaths in the countryside often traverse through diverse ecosystems, providing opportunities to observe and appreciate local wildlife. This connection with nature can instil a sense of wonder and awe. There are so many animals you may see during your stay at the Farmhouse at Polehanger – from Muntjak deer, to foxes, so many pheasants, hares, rabbits, red kites and maybe even a badger.

Incorporating open countryside footpaths into your stay a the Farmhouse at Polehanger will bring about a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Whether seeking solitude, socializing with others, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, walking in the open countryside offers a holistic and rejuvenating experience for individuals of all ages.

So, grab your walking boots or wellies, pack a map and a drink and take in the gorgeous footpaths surrounding the Farmhouse at Polehanger.  It wouldn’t be a country retreat without a walk in the countryside, would it?

Or take a walk in the Polehanger river woodland: listen to the birds, hug a tree, get stuck in the mud or build a den.  A great addition to the your stay at the Farmhouse at Polehanger.

For Luxury Group Accommodation in The Countryside

Contact the Farmhouse at Polehanger for your next stay

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